Portfolio of Keisuke Itoh
XR Artist
Pudica [XR Installation]
Pudica invites you to embark on a journey to make music with the residents of another world, the Plantonica. Born from the palm of your hand, Pudica of Plantonica will be your companion, guiding you from reality into a fantastical realm. The world of Plantonica is filled with beautiful music and tranquility. In this magical realm, you will meet three more friends, each with their own unique musical tones. Together, you will host a concert, creating a symphony that blends your heart with gentle sounds, fully immersing you in this enchanting world. As this peaceful time draws to a close, you will sense the beginning of a new world.
Sen [Multiplay VR Animation]
This work is based on the traditional Japanese tea ceremony. The audience will be immersed in the traditional Japanese ritual as they hold a black Raku tea bowl in the tea house called Tai-an, both national treasures of Japan. In the dimly lit room, the audience will unravel their relationship with the world as the spirit of tea, “SEN,” born from the tea bowl in their hands. At first, “SEN” is afraid to learn about the world but gradually finds joy in their existence through interactions with other beings. As it learns more about the ever-evolving and beautiful world, “SEN” comes to know of other beings like itself. They find comfort in their connection and interaction with their kin and start to think about their relationship with others in a self-centered way. One day, their peaceful world is suddenly destroyed by an inferno. Having lost everything, “SEN” falls back into the tea bowl and dissolves into particles wandering the universe. Just as “SEN” and the audience realize they are one with all living things in this world, they are whisked back to the tea house “Tai-an,” where their nonchalant lives begin again.
Twinkle Guardians [Virtual Festival]
宇宙に出かけたリトルツインスターズ キキとララが大慌て! そこで目にしたものは、たくさんの宇宙のがらくた“スペースジャンク“だったーー みんなの未来を守るため、キティといっしょにスペースジャンクをお掃除しよう! 参加型!大迫力の星空シューティングショー!
The Little Twin Stars, Kiki and Lala, set out on a journey into space, only to be met with a big surprise! They found themselves surrounded by countless pieces of space debris—"space junk"! To protect everyone's future, let's join forces with Hello Kitty and clean up the space junk together!Join in for an immersive, action-packed stargazing shooting show!
Typeman [VR演劇]
Typemanはこれまで多くの人間に必要とされ、期待や喜び、悲しみを分かち合い、共に時間を過ごしてきました。しかしいつしか人々から忘れられてしまい、自分の存在意義を見失ってしまいます。 体験者は古びたアパートの一室で、そんなTypemanと出会います。あなたは初めてTypemanと向き合ったとき、彼に対してどんな感情を抱き、どのような行動をするでしょうか。 その世界で誰かの存在に気づいたとき、あなたはここにいる意味を考え始めるでしょう。
Typeman has been needed by many human beings, sharing their hopes, joys, and sorrows, and spending time together. However, he has been forgotten by people and has lost the meaning of his existence. You will meet Typeman in a room of an old apartment building. When you encounter Typeman for the first time, what feelings will you have for him and how will you act toward him? When you notice the presence of someone else in the world, you will begin to think about the meaning of your being here.
Clap [VRアニメーション]
When people want to express their admiration, they channel their emotions into their hands and clap, with energy and feeling, even if it means withstanding physical discomfort. But does that feeling ever reach the other person? In 'Clap,' the protagonist is the target of applause, and the story unfolds from the point of view of a person clapping. “Thread man”, the protagonist, lacks self-confidence, and feels so intently that he has no redeeming features that he has shrunk to a thread-like existence.One rainy day, the thread man is walking down an alley when an empty, rusty can falls in front of him. The can reverberates with a pleasant and amusing sound, and, taken in by it, he tries to recreate the sound himself by wearing the can on his foot and starting to dance.Soon a crowd of people gather around the thread man, and the sound of applause grows ever louder, though with the increased volume comes increased pressure, which troubles the thread man.Why did the thread man become scared of the sound of clapping and why could he no longer enjoy it?When your heartfelt applause reaches the thread man, the original meaning of clapping is restored, which signals the beginning of a beautiful sound.
Beat [VRアニメーション]
“Beat” is a story elaborated from your “Heart”.Viewers can experience the work with their hearts in their hands. The heart in the animation vibrates at the same pace at viewers' heartbeat.Viewers encounter a rusted robot, absolutely static. He doesn’t have a “heart” to move.Viewers can grant him a new heart by putting theirs on the robot. He then stands up and starts to move, expressing joy to live out all his strength.However, when he meets with new robots, he doesn’t know how to communicate properly.“Heart” becomes the key to move the story forward. The story aims to arouse consciousness of “Heart” via the growth of the robot.
Feather [VRアニメーション]
This is a story about a small girl doll whose goal it is to be a ballet dancer. The setting of the story is inside of a doll house which is placed in an old attic. Viewers do not just watch over the story but also pass a feather to her interactively. The feather is a symbol which implies both ‘Courage’ as well as ‘Encouragement’. It looks white and light, and fluffy. When she confronts some difficulty, a feather appears in front of the viewer. As she receives a feather from the viewer, she grows up to pursue her goal to be a ballet dancer.
伊東ケイスケ | Keisuke Itoh
1986年、横浜生まれ。多摩美術大学グラフィックデザイン学科卒業後、グラフィックデザイナーとしてメーカーに勤務。現在はフリーランスのXRアーティストとして活動中。これまでにヴェネチア国際映画祭、カンヌ国際映画祭、SIGGRAPHなどで作品を上映しており、ヴェネチア国際映画祭のXR/VR部門で2020年から5年連続でノミネートされている。2019年に『Feather』が第76回ヴェネチア国際映画祭のVR部門で日本人初のビエンナーレカレッジセレクションとしてプレミア上映。2020年に『Beat』が第77回ヴェネチア国際映画祭のVR部門およびカンヌXR VeeR Future Awardにノミネート。2021年に『Clap』が第78回ヴェネチア国際映画祭のXR部門およびカンヌXR VeeR Future Awardにノミネート。2022年に『Typeman』が第79回ヴェネチア国際映画祭のXR部門にノミネート。2023年に『Sen』が第80回ヴェネチア国際映画祭のXR部門にノミネート。2024年に『Pudica』が第81回ヴェネチア国際映画祭のXR部門にノミネート。